Sacroiliac Joint Arthrodesis

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Background – The sacroiliac (SI) joint is an often-overlooked source of low back pain. The sacroiliac joint is where the low back (sacrum) meets the hips (iliac crest). Some studies estimate the SI joint is responsible for up to 30% of low back pain. Pain from the SI joint can refer to the hips, to the groin, or down the leg like sciatica. The SI joint acts as a capstone between the low back and the pelvis. The joint is reinforced with strong ligaments so there is typically very little motion at the SI joint. Risk factors for sacroiliac joint dysfunction include pelvic changes after pregnancy and childbirth and change in biomechanics and force load after lumbar spine fusion.

Sacroiliac Joint Arthrodesis – If pain from the SI joint has not responded to conservative management or injection therapy and is significantly impacting function and quality of life, it is time to consider SI joint arthrodesis. Minimally-invasive SI joint arthrodesis involves implanting small screws across the SI joint to stabilize the joint and stop excessive motion. The procedure is fluoroscopically (XR) guided so there is only a small incision and a relatively short recovery period.